Q and A

Which famous artist died due to complications from a routine gallbladder surgery? Find the answer on our Etsy page.

Online sources report that the first pencil 
was invented in England in 1565! 

Who once said, "Painting completed my life." ? 
Frida Kahlo

According to online sources, 
what is the most commonly used oil for painting?
Linseed oil that comes from the flax seed.  

The person who said, "There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it.".....
Henry Moore again!

Who stated the following? "To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams."
Find the answer @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/DelineatedDesigns

Who once said, "To be an artist is to believe in life."?
Henry Moore
(and we love this quote. if we don't believe in life, 
how could we even begin to appreciate all of the beauty around us?)

According to online sources, who said "If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint."?

Answer: Edward Hooper
(One of our own oil paintings)

10 Miles ~ Thats 52,800 Feet! 
According to online sources, how much thread was used to create the costumes for the 2009 DFW Nutcracker?

One of our own personal photos!

Something a little different as we approach the holiday.....According to online sources, who has always ended the Macy's parade with the exception of the parade in 1933 where this person was the leader of the pack?
One of our own personal photos!
Santa Claus!

Who created "Freedom from Want"?
Answer is Norman Rockwell! 
Let's not forget Thanksgiving and all of our blessings before we move on to Christmas!

Rembrandt painted over sixty self portraits.

What work by Pablo Picasso was commissioned to be created in response to the bombing on April 26th 1937 by German and Italian warplanes during the Spanish Civil War?

Guernica ~ Pablo Picasso

What famous sculptor said,
"Art is a fruit that grows in man , like a fruit on a plant, or a child in its mother's womb."
Jean Arp

Who was the Spanish born Cubist 
who's name means grey in French? Juan Gris!

According to online sources,
 children who are active in the arts 3 hours a day 
at least 3 times a week are 3 times more likely to win an award for school attendance! How about those 's!

Antonio Gaudi designed buildings in Barcelona in a style that later became known as......? 
This style is now known as Art Nouveau!

Who said "We live in a rainbow of chaos"?
Paul Cézanne
It's one of our favorite quotes!

Buddha is often seen turning a wheel. What does this wheel symbolize? It is meant to depict the law.
Often shown in reliefs. These reliefs were sometimes used to teach those who could not read about the Buddhist faith.  

What art movement was the so called "Anti-Art" movement? 
The answer is the Dada Movement!
What is one of our favorite pieces of Dada?
By far it has to be Duchamp's ~ R. Mutt ~

What famous artist was so obsessed with ballet
 dancers that he included them in nearly 1500 works? 
Edgar Degas!

What artist sold their 1943 painting "Roots" 
for $5.6 Million at auction? 
Frida Kahlo! She set the record for a 
Latin America work of art! 

Who was "Jack the Dripper"?
According to online sources,  Jackson Pollock was nicknamed "Jack the Dripper" because he would literally drip paint on his canvas to create his works. The result was unique and amazing.

Salvador Dali once said 
"You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free. Everything that is contradictory creates life."

What was Picasso's first word?
According to online sources his first word 
was the spanish word for pencil. Ironic?

Why did Leonardo Da Vinci enjoy purchasing caged birds?
According to online sources he like to set them free. 
Now thats what we like to hear! 
Artist and an animal lover <3 We give this two brushes up!